The Binh Dinh Province Water Supply and Sanitation Project is currently experimenting with a model of raising “Black Soldier Flies” to decompose organic waste using thermophilic microbial compost bins in some households in the districts of Hoai Nhon, Hoai Nhon, and Hoai Nhon. Phu My, An Nhon and Tay Son.
Advantages of black soldier flies
The black soldier fly, whose scientific name is Hermetia Illucens, is a type of fly used by many countries around the world to decompose organic waste very effectively. Black soldier flies are available in our country’s natural environment; Adults are black, 12-20 mm long, and look easily confused with bees. The life cycle of the black soldier fly lasts about more than 1 month, starting from eggs, larvae, pupae, and finally molting into black soldier flies. Adults live about 3-5 days, do not eat or drink, and live in the shade of trees. Each female lays about 500 eggs and then dies.
Black soldier flies were selected from many beneficial fly species for garbage disposal because they do not enter homes and are one of the most beneficial fly species. Adults and larvae of black soldier flies themselves do not carry pathogens, so they are not agents of disease transmission to humans and pets. Adult black soldier flies do not have mouths and of course do not eat, do not bite, and do not harm humans, plants, or livestock. They do not eat or land on human food and spend most of their time resting rather than flying around. Therefore, we rarely see black soldier flies.
Use black soldier fly larvae to treat organic waste
According to tests around the world and at the Project, black soldier fly larvae (maggots) can decompose most types of organic waste generated by households. The decomposition process takes place quickly, depending on the type of waste. Waste from leftover food, spoiled vegetables, tubers, fruits… is decomposed in 10-12 hours; For waste with high cellulose content such as shredded paper, straw, and banana leaves, it takes 10-15 days.
In the natural world, black soldier fly larvae are known as the most voracious eaters. With large and strong mouth structures, black soldier fly larvae eat all organic waste quickly before the organic compounds have time to decompose and create odors; Therefore, eliminating the odor of garbage. When feeding, larvae excrete a very small amount of feces compared to the amount of waste they ingest. According to research and experimental farming results in districts participating in the Project, just by ingestion and digestion, larvae can reduce 80-90% of waste and any pathogens.
The method of using black soldier fly larvae to treat organic waste does not cause odors, does not create wastewater, does not create a greenhouse effect, and reduces waste volume by up to 90%. Another advantage worth noting is that because the amount of organic waste is quickly reduced and recycled (through larvae) at households, the costs of collection, transportation and disposal will be significantly reduced. fill organic waste.
It is also interesting that large numbers of black soldier fly larvae eat and excrete feces, the larvae produce a substance that is detrimental to the egg-laying and hatching process of other flies and insects. Not to mention the fact that due to their voracious appetite, black soldier fly larvae also directly compete for food from other types of larvae. Black soldier fly larvae are also an attractive and nutritious food source for raising chickens, ducks, fish… The remaining black soldier fly larvae feces (looks like coffee grounds, black or dark brown and smooth) is considered as is an organic fertilizer, rich in nutrients and beneficial bacteria, that can be used to supplement plants or improve degraded soil. In addition, their feces are also used as very good food for worms, such as earthworms.
See more:
Together with BSF Smart Farm, develop the economy from raising Black Soldier Flies