Category Archives: Animal Husbandry

Chicken Feed Blenders and Juicers | With Detailed Mixing Recipe

Focusing on raising livestock in the direction of applying technology and chicken feed grinders to improve food quality and safety, meeting the needs of today’s consumers is a sustainable direction for livestock production. Vietnam in the future. How to make laying hens healthy, grow fast and less sick? Build the barn properly – It is…

Chicken Food For Fast Growing Chickens, Standard Nutrition To Increase Resistance

Currently, the local chicken raising models have been bringing high income to farmers. However, at the chick stage, if the care measures are not correct, the risk is very high. To avoid losses when raising chickens, in this article, BSF Smart Farm will continue to share how to raise chickens quickly and in detail. You…

Amino Acid Solution For Shrimp Grow Fast – Healthy

Amino acids (also known as Amino Acids) are the building blocks of proteins, so they contribute to the regulation of different traits in the activities of shrimp and plants. Therefore, amino acid biosynthesis is very important. However, the synthesis of amino acids in different living organisms is very different, it depends on the forms of…

Instructions for using the product VIHAHA

Vi Sinh Mỹ Vihaha Nuôi RLĐ Chai 100ml

USE OF VIHAHA IN AGRICULTURE I. Treatment of crop by-products in the field: Dosage: 0.8 – 1.4 liters/ha/crop Mix 0.8 – 1.4 liters / 20 – 40 liters of clean water, spray or water evenly on the field Note: The field after harvest needs to be plowed carefully before spraying. Depending on the nature of…